torsdag 18 december 2008

Street fighter


onsdag 17 december 2008

Daniel's birthday

I was at Daniel's birthday party... he don't like to be filmed when he is blowing out the candles.

Danish Lucia

Yes i know it's a bit late -.- But here he is! Our great and only Danish Lucia!
(Clothes by our great Minna)

Princesses and Arabian warriors

Jag coloured these pictures^^ Not me that drew them from the beginning.





Check out "the making of... " of these pictures here:

Concert in the dinning-hall

Europaportens musicschool was at our school and had a concert. It was fucking good and fun. Recorded a song. Shit poor quality I know. Blame everything on my mobile.


Thought it looked like Lyde (from my story, that will soon come up).So I started out with this image and changed it a little.

So it came out like this. This is Lyde.

I then did Edyl. (from my story too)

Putted them togheter, some text and voila. DONE!


Halloween theme, some small pictures I drew on paint. Think it was last year's Halloween.

Pink witch

Green witch


Scary eye

Etnaart starts

My new page, EtnaKonst, is a page with some art, photos and texts. That I've drawn, photographed or written. Most images are made on paint or Photoshop. But i hope you like them, it's a little difficult to draw in the paint, so it might not look like Mona Lisa or something.